Verbal Physiotherapy explains minds.
It melts Speechless-Terrors. It’s Clear Simple and Effective.
Verbal Physiotherapy explains minds.
It melts Speechless-Terrors.
It’s Clear Simple and Effective.
What follows is the first in a series of webinars, in which a team of therapists explore, with me, the impact of earlier trauma on mental afflictions.
The basic premise is that frontal blockages arise from infant traumas which, simply in terms of their time-scale, are now obsolete. The sufferer doesn’t know this, and because of the anomalous impact that early life-threatening trauma has on their subjective speech and thought, cannot themselves, unaided, bring themselves up to date.
Ordinary physiotherapy is Clear Simple and Effective when called on to remedy strokes and other muscular paralyses, which the sufferers cannot themselves amend. It relies on consent, enthusiasm and confidence. It has to be Clear Simple Effective else it gets nowhere. These three epithets are here transferred from ‘strokes’ to ‘trauma-induced strokes’ i.e. to Verbal Physiotherapy.
It’s been a long time since any form of psychiatry, psychoanalysis or psychotherapy could claim to merit even one of these three desirable epithets – so to claim all three at the outset might seem outrageous – yet that’s really what’s needed – to OUTRAGE the medical profession into being more humane. After all, the customer for mental health care is entitled to a great deal better than is currently on offer. So if this campaign achieves even just a third of these, that’d be a blessing.
All versions of physiotherapy, once offered in experienced hands (especially with enough trustworthy support) is not only clearly understandable by both staff and client, but is acknowledged by both, to be effective. So, if this can be enlisted for most muscular problems, then why should not all mental afflictions melt, with the same energetic and consensual approach – at least that’s what we set out to demonstrate.
Happy viewing.
PLEASE NOTE – I closed my clinic in 2016, following prosecution of me by the UK Medical Licensing Authority (the GMC) for presuming to implement new ideas in psychiatry. Also now being 87, my energies are restricted. Sorry. I’m hoping to reach more by concentrating on education and training, as here.
Professor Bob Johnson, DSc(hon), MRCPsych, MRCGP, PhD(med computing), MA (Psychol), MBCS, DPM, MRCS, School of Psychology, University of Bolton, BL3 5AB, UK. GMC num. 0400150