TRAUMA – The Unseen key to Healthcare.
A recent epochal case – please publicise to reform psychiatry, and general medicine -- pleases publicise attached PRESS RELEASE
TRAUMA – The Unseen key to Healthcare.
A recent epochal case – please publicise to reform psychiatry, and general medicine
In February 2024, I started a weekly seminar for therapists, on zoom, in Melbourne Australia.
Three months ago, after only 6 months training, one trainee, Joan, saw Jo, a 58-year-old client to help her relax.
In the first session Joan mentioned that she was training with me, and that I liked to pursue ‘parenting footprints’, and did Jo have any? Jo mentioned she had been traumatised aged 8, but said that she’d dealt with that. My trainee registered non-verbal surprise, but said nothing.
Three days later, Nora, driving along, burst into uncontrollable tears – something she had scarcely done before. She booked in a second appointment. Whereupon Joan invited her to address an empty chair in which she suggested her traumatising father sat.
The pent up terror and anger then flooded out, as she described in the following texts.
I call THE MODEL -- “Verbal Physiotherapy” (see e-book link below) – since early trauma blocks off the ability to recall, and so dismiss, the terror, which thereafter persists indefinitely, until the sufferer meets a trustworthy, informed, confident expert, which Joan had now become.
Note in text 3, that Jo was on the point of walking out – this is the almost inevitable consequence of approaching past trauma without care and sufficient skill – retraumatisation rears its head, and the session terminates. These points can be guarded against, as Joan shows. BUT BEING SO EASILY TRIGGERED, THIS PREVENTS THIS BECOMING OBVIOUS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AS A WHOLE, WHICH IT URGENTLY NEEDS TO BE.
Were this to become mainstream, it would radically change any number of supposedly physical symptoms and conditions, and transform mental healthcare beyond recognition (including of course, CVAs).
Steps in earlier childhood, e.g. Sure Start or Head Start can head some (perhaps most) of this off – but even in later life, resilience, with the appropriate approach, can achieve what in other circumstances would seem to be a miracle.
“How Verbal Physiotherapy works” - link to ebook - -- $2
Jo, a 58-year-old, had a mere two sessions. Grossly traumatised aged 8 – she had never addressed it, till now. These are the texts she sent through – TRAUMA’s toxic fingers get everywhere and are removable. Just run through the list of items which Jo says have changed.
She says she’s now –
(1) sleeping better
(2) has more energy
(3) has lost 3kgs
(4) feels excited about every day
(5) is handling stress better,
(6) a tic I had apparently developed when stressed has now disappeared,
(7) but most amazing is that I have not used my Asthma medication since our session..... [two weeks ago]
(8) I can Breathe!!
(9) I cannot thank you enough
(10) and will be forever grateful.
>>1>>: It has been almost 2 weeks since my session and I just wanted to let you know some of the changes that have happened. I am sleeping better than I have in years, have more energy (even lost 3kgs), and feel excited about every day. I am handling stress better, a tic I had apparently, developed when stressed has now disappeared, but most amazing is that I have not used my Asthma medication since our session…..I can Breathe!! I cannot thank you enough for the difference you have made in my life and will be forever grateful.
>>2>>: I am really hoping you are still so damn proud of what you and I achieved working together. I don’t want to keep bugging you with my 💡moments but I am going to (I’m just so excited)… when I posted our wedding pics this morning I actually saw myself- I actually don’t know how to articulate it to you. I saw what I actually looked like on my wedding day (there isn’t even an emoji to show how I felt). In 15years I have never seen that face look back at me before. I was baffled.. I don’t think I scrubbed up too bad. In fact I am going to say 3 words I have NEVER said about myself before… I looked Beautiful!…. just wanted to tell you 💕
>>3>>: This is the moment you need to look at the present I gave you and acknowledge what YOU did. If I didn't trust you (and I still do not trust many) then this would not have happened – you worked hard in that session and to be completely honest if it had been anyone else working with me I know at one particular point in that session I would have stood up and walked out.
- Go Us! X
>>4>>: So you know re my Asthma I was on Serotide preventer every 12 hours to keep my airways dilated 3 to 4 puffs of Ventolin every 6-8 hours daily a course of Prednisolone steroids for 5-9 days anywhere between 4-6 times a year depending how many asthma attacks I would have. Since 1 walked out of your back room [three months ago] I have had nothing...
>>5>>: And I had those medications for 40years in some combination - my GP would just dispense the steroid script to me with 6 repeats as I knew what to do (usually you only get 1 repeat) Which is why I probably never mentioned it as it was so ingrained in who I was. x