[apologies for absence - many things - here’s a documentary I would love to see made. It needs around £150,000, €170,000, $190,000. Any offers? I have an excellent team waiting to implement - so we’ll see what coms in. The need is obvious. What follows is the tip of a particularly noxious iceberg.]
Stop Drugging – Start Talking,
The Painful Psychiatric Challenge Hitting All Doctors Today
PSYCHIATRY TODAY is dominated (and perverted), by the so-called “Psychiatrists’ Bible”, known by the acronym “the DSM” (see below). Tons of money and reputations are at stake. DSM-psychiatry damages both doctor and patient. Here’s where, how and why. The anguish expressed by front-line psychiatrists at being placed in an impossibly inhumane situation is palpable, and is regularly expressed on the Critical Psychiatric Network, an emailing group of some 300 psychiatrists, worldwide. Doctors there, repeatedly agonise at having to prescribe drugs which they know inflict untold damage. A fellow member of this group, Dr Cathy Wield, gives chapter and verse on the harm done to her as a patient (see below). The political pressures against are huge. THIS IS MEDICAL DYNAMITE.
The Doctor – DSM-psychiatry tells doctors to
Ø disregard all causative factors, (DSM-IV p xviii)
Ø to pretend the mind doesn’t exist (DSM-IV p xxi)
Ø to focus exclusively on the brain – whence overmedication.(DSM-IV p 10 )
Ø to ignore any “reaction”– even “death of a loved one”. (DSM-IV p xvii)
Ø to degrade consciousness by omission.
Ø This dissuades the doctor from interacting, thereby crippling the bedside manner.
Ø It enables “brain-insufficiency”, which is toxic medical phantasmagoria.
Ø Help comes from talking and reassurance, not from pills – an approach the DSM was designed to bury . . .
Ø Helpful interaction is a doctor’s delight – DSM frustrates it.
What if Ritalin were COCAINE in disguise?
Ø Ritalin shares similar chemical properties to cocaine.
Ø Both are “controlled” drugs.
Ø Both exert their stimulant effects by elevating dopamine levels.
Ø Both drugs can produce significant “tolerance” i.e. more is needed for the same effect
Ø Both drugs can produce significant “addiction”, i.e. cold turkey.
Ø They stunt bodily growth, by short-circuiting interest in social/emotional skills.
Ø This is doctor-induced “psychosocial dwarfism” (see below).
Ø They divert medical attention away from addressing emotional pains.
Evidence against DSM-psychiatry is heavy, but currently ignored –
Ø Psychodrugs prolong psychotic symptoms by up to tenfold (Harrow).
Ø “DSM-5 is a monster” – damning review by The Economist
Ø DSM-psychiatry is “institutional corruption” – Robert Whitaker’s accusation.
Ø “Toxic psychiatry” – Dr Peter Breggin
Ø “Deadly psychiatry” – Dr Peter Gøtzsche – ½ million drug inflicted deaths a year.
Ø Psychodrugs work only by “intoxication” Myth of the chemical cure – Dr Joanna MonCrieff
Ø DEMENTIA doubles in teenagers given psychodrugs. “a 50 year follow up study”
The history/background
The American Psychiatric Association, the leading professional psychiatric authority in the United States, published its first edition of a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I) in 1952. This was followed in 1964 by a second edition (DSM-II). These were fairly straightforward attempts to bring some order to the ever-shifting field of psychiatry—they are humble enough to be of some merit. They were not best-sellers, nor expected to be. Then, in 1980 with DSM-III, all this changed. The Board of the American Psychiatric Association deliberately decided in 1978, to switch its policy from exploring how talking things through can assist with mental pains, to which of a growing number of drug-treatments could be justified, medically (Breggin, 1993). This is where it went wrong, and how. And if you believe Dr Breggin – why.
Dr Cathy Wield’s story –
Ø She was prescribed 33 different drugs (see Note One below).
Ø These came in 10 different varieties (see Note Two below), none of which is consistent, rationally based or, as this case shows, efficacious.
Ø She was assaulted by 100 electro shocks.
Ø She was even subjected to ham-fisted brain surgery—pursuant to the purblind ideology innovated by DSM-III in 1980.
Ø This is a clear, compelling and medically reliable account of DSM-psychiatry, in the raw.
Ø This is clinical medicine as practised by headless chickens. It’s a medical disgrace.
Ø Yet despite all she managed to survive, and now works as an Emergency Medical Consultant. She is available for interview, or zoom.
A better psychiatry
If you starve children, they fail to thrive. Their bodies don’t grow. Even if you then feed them, but keep depriving them of emotional sustenance, they still remain stunted – a proven fact so well known in child development, that it earns the title “psychosocial dwarfism”. Well proven, well accepted, and fully reversible. Clouding a child’s consciousness with say Ritalin, inflicts the same. The real medical catastrophe is that psychodrugs do exactly the opposite of what is required—they de-focus consciousness—whereas what is needed to cure all insanity, is more realistic re-focusing. “EMOTIONAL DWARFISM” in adults explains a lot. Lip service is paid to the ICD-10, the World Health Organisation classification of mental diseases – but, in practice, this is supplanted by the vastly medically inferior DSM. Ergo, insist that all doctors, and all institutions, including law courts, stop using DSM, and use the ICD-10 instead. This is worse than Semmelweiss – the “Saviour of Mothers from puerperal fever – but beaten to death”– so watch out for political, and legal, tsunamis. Seriously. The GMC already hit me with one.
Note One—Dr Wield’s 33 Drugs
This is the list of the 33 drugs Dr Cathy Wield was given in lieu of effective psychiatric treatment. This is known medically, as polypharmacy—and is taken as medical proof that you really don’t know what you’re doing. In the present case, the flaw arises entirely from a deliberate 1980s American Psychiatric Association policy—here denoted as DSM-psychiatry. The drugs are named as—Fluoxetine, Lofepramine, Dothiepin/dosulepin, Lithium, Chlorpromazine, Temazepam, Paroxetine, Thioridazine, Venlafaxine, Flupenthioxol, Imipramine, Clopixol, Olanzapine, Procyclidine, Tryptophan, Depot Depixol, Metochlopramide, Domperidone, Zopiclone, Clomipramine, Tri-iodothyronine, Droperidol, Mirtazapine, Reboxetine, Phenelzine, Clonazepam, Respiridone, Nitrazepam, Amitryptiline, Quetiapine, Valproate, Sertraline, Ketoconazole.
Note Two—Dr Wield’s 10 Drug Categories
In all, the 33 drugs Dr Cathy Wield was subjected to, fall into 10 different categories—none of which take consciousness into account, nor, in some cases, her consent. There were—3 types of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs); 5 of Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs); 2 of Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNSRs); 1 of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs); 1 of Other Antidepressants; 2 of Mood stabiliser; 6 of Old antipsychotics; 3 of New antipsychotics; 4 of Benzodiazepam-Zopiclone; 4 of Other. Heedless chickens?
HEALTH WARNING – MEDICAL NOTE—never stop psychiatric drugs abruptly. Abrupt withdrawal can bring on worse symptoms than the original disease – i.e. going cold turkey. Expert medical help is needed to cope with these devastating toxic effects.