How to cure anorexia
Anorexia is commonly regarded as a lethal, incurable mental disease – here’s a video showing how this need not be the case.
How to cure anorexia
Anorexia is commonly regarded as an incurable mental disease — which too often, is lethal – here’s a video showing how this need not be the case. Many professional pronouncements (i.e. dogmas), and much sheer professional inertia get in the way, and more will die who need not.
Here Katie, who is an “EXPERT BY EXPERIENCE” tells you what the disease feels like from the inside, where it comes from and how to deal with it – in other words, the REAL diagnosis, and it’s got nothing to do with calories . . . . they’ve just been weaponised and they just get in the way.
And happily for the optimists, it’s got nothing to do with inherent (genetic) demons either, and all to do, with unprocessed rage – and how to deal with that toxic emotion.
NOR DOES IT HAVE TO LAST A LIFE-TIME — timely intervention along the lines of empowering the sufferer, CURES it — oh yes it does.
The experts are going to have to sit up and listen — until they do, and I know how hard they find it — then young people are going to continue to die from what is in effect, as Katie makes all too clear, a form of prolonged suicie. “You’ll have to pick me up from the floor,” she says — and she was determined enough to prove it — happily things took a turn for the better — watch . . . .
Thank you Dr Bob Johnson, you are a great human being and a great professional. G-d bless you 💌 Orli
👋I have published in our humble telegram